
Education / Literacy


Higher levels of education and literacy, which are associated with higher income and improved working conditions/employment, can result in better health outcomes, therefore, influencing an individual’s susceptibility to injury.

Early childhood experiences are fundamental to shaping lifetime outcomes related to learning and physical and mental well-being. Stable, safe, and supportive environments that are bolstered by public and private sector policies and programs are crucial to optimal healthy child development and reduced risk of injury. 

  • The rate of serious non-fatal injury is higher for individuals of lower education levels, but less-serious injury is not so clearly correlated with education.
  •  Lower education levels have been linked to significantly higher death rates from a variety of health concerns, especially for people with less than a high school education.
  • International studies indicate that men who have not accessed higher levels of education, are more likely to experience fatal automobile crashes than men who have accessed a higher level of education.
  • Completion of post-secondary education is associated with lower risk of injury.
  • Canadian children whose parents have some form of post-secondary education experience better health than those whose parents have lower levels of education.
The following Statistics are from ACIP's Social Determinants of Injury Report Published in 2011. 

Updated research surrounding the social determinants of injury needs to be prioritized especially throughout the region of Atlantic Canada. 

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