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Last Updated: March 20, 2008
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file ACIP Annual Report 2019-2020
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file ACIP Annual Report 2023-2024
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explore subfolder image French Publications
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file CAPB Alcool et blessures au Canada atlantique 2010
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file CAPB Les Determinants Sociaux des Blessures 2011
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file CAPB PCP 2014
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file CAPB_alcool_PVS_Report 2014
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file CAPB distractions au volant 2014
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file ACIP Alcohol Policy & Sexual Violence 2014
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file ACIP Alcohol and Injury in Atlantic Canada 2010
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file ACIP Caffeinated Alcohol & Injury 2011
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file ACIP Child & Youth Unintentional Injury 2009
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file ACIP Distracted Driving 2014
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file ACIP GDL Policy Analysis 2014
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file ACIP Social Determinants of Injury 2011
explore subfolder image Canadian Injury Prevention Textbook
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Canadian Injury Prevention Resource 2015
explore subfolder image Injury Prevention Infographics
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file 2017 Child Atlantic Infographic_en
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Infographic Social Policy and Injury Prevention How You Can Influence Change
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Infographic_Atlantic Canada’s use of Alcohol during the Pandemic-Relation to Injury 2021
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file CAPB Permis de conduire progressif
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file CAPB distractions_au_volant
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Etre un influenceur pour les politiques sociales Dec 2020
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file ACIP Distracted Driving
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file ACIP Graduated driver licensing
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Being an Influencer for Social Policy Dec 2020
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Final_Social Policies in Atlantic Canada-Links to Children's Fall Prevention November 2020
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Child Safety GuideBonnesPratiques
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Etudes des dix annees derniers Sommaire du Canada Atlantique
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Etudes des dix annees derniers Sommarie NB
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Acting on What We Know - Preventing Youth Suicide in First Nations
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Preventing Childrens Injuries What Works Fact Sheet 2009
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file 2011 CAPB Les Determinants Sociaux des Blessures
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Final French ACIP_Seniors Fall Prevention Report_May 2019
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file 2005 PHAC Report on Seniors' Falls in Canada
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file 2010 Falls & Related Injuries among Older Canadians
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file 2011 WHO Closing the Gap in a Generation
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file A Best Practices Guide for the Prevention of Falls Among Seniors Living in the Community
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Cochrane review_Interventions for preventing falls in older people in nursing care facilities and hospitals
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Falls Assessment - Framework
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Final English ACIP_Seniors Fall Prevention Report_May 2019
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Inventory of Fall Prevention Initiatives in Canada
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file PHAC 12 Steps to Stair Safety
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Preventing Fall-Related Injuries Among Older Nova Scotians - A Strategic Framework
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Preventing Falls Through Physical Activity - A Guide for People Working with Older Adults
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Seniors' Falls in Nova Scotia - A Report
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Technical Report - Injury Resulting from falls among Canadians age 65 and over on the analysis of data from the Canadian Community Health Survey
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explore subfolder image 2010 Conference Presentations
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Dennis Raphael - Workshop
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Intentional Injury - Michelle Smith
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Intentional Injury - Timothy Christie
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file KTE Panel - Alison MacPherson
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Seniors' Falls Cindi Mosher
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Seniors' Falls Darlene Ricketts
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Seniors' Falls Heather Oakley
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Seniors' Falls Sally Lockhart
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Seniors' Falls Suzanne Baker
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Day 1 - Family Resource Panel Housing and Injury
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Day 1 - JoAnne Savoie Concussion Management
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Day 1 - Lisa Tobin Hypersexualization Impacts
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Day 1 - Lynne Fenerty Concussions
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Day 1 - Pam Fuselli Child Safety Good Practice Guide
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Day 2 - Chantal Walsh Challenges for Safety and Injury Prevention for Families
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Day 2 - Dan Steeves Alcohol in our Communities
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Day 2 - Pam Fuselli What is Parachute
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Day 2 - Robert Strang Alcohol and Injury
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Day 2 - Sandra Newton Conference Closing and Thank You
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Cowle_ACIP Pres_June 2015
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Erdogan_ACIP 2015_Ped Sport Injury_20150609
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Finding Balance - Falls Panel 2015 ACIP (3)
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Insight Studio ACIP Presentation June 2015
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Recreation and Resiliency - June 2015
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file SBaker presentation
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Snowmobile Safety Awareness Mazein Labrador - Janice White ACIP 2015 [Compatibility Mode]
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file ACIP_InjurySurveillance__Tanenbaum
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file ACIP_Physical literacy_FallPrevention_Tanenbaum_Final
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file ACIP_Risk and Play_Tanenbaum
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Eddison_ConcurrentSession2
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Fuselli Vision Zero in Canada Concurrent Session3
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Fuselli_Concussion Protocol Harmonization Concurrent Session 3
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Stark_Poison Prevention ConcurrentSession4
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file EBI-ACIP-June-09
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Cost of Injury in Canada Report 2015
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Economic Burden of Injury in Canada 2009
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Atlantic Canada’s use of Alcohol during the Pandemic-Relation to Injury_2021
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Prevention of Alcohol Related Injuries in the Americas
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file ACIP Informative Brief-Cannabis Legalization and Injury Prevention
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file FR ACIP Informative Brief -Cannabis Legalization and Injury FINAL
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Final French ACIP_Seniors Fall Prevention Report_May 2019
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file capb Alcool & blessures au Canada atlantique
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file capb alcool PVS Report
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file 2010 Falls & Related Injuries among Older Canadians
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file 2014 PHAC Seniors' Falls in Canada 2nd Report
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file A Review of the Literature on Best Practices in Falls Prevention for Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Cochrane review_Interventions for preventing falls in older people in nursing care facilities and hospitals
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Falls Assessment - Framework
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Final English ACIP_Seniors Fall Prevention Report_May 2019
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Inventory of Fall Prevention Initiatives in Canada
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file PHAC 12 Steps to Stair Safety
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Preventing Fall-Related Injuries Among Older Nova Scotians - A Strategic Framework
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Preventing Falls Through Physical Activity - A Guide for People Working with Older Adults
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Seniors' Falls in Nova Scotia - A Report
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Technical Report - Injury Resulting from falls among Canadians age 65 and over on the analysis of data from the Canadian Community Health Survey
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file falls_among_seniors_atlantic_canada_aib_en
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Rural Health & Injuries
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Houselessness__Injuries_in_AB_V7.6
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Senior_rural_urban_AFC_Webinar_2023
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Acting on What We Know - Preventing Youth Suicide in First Nations
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Developing Injury Prevention Indicators for FN Children and Youth Nov 2010 FINAL
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Developing injury indicators First Nations
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Indigenous peoples and Injury Prevention
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Inuit Injury Indicators - English
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explore subfolder image Alcohol & Motor Vehicle
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file ACIP Alcohol & Injury in Atlantic Canada
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file ACIP Caffeinated Alcohol & Injury
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Atlantic Canada’s use of Alcohol during the Pandemic-Relation to Injury_2021
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file ACIP Informative Brief-Cannabis Legalization and Injury Prevention
explore subfolder image French Resources
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file FR ACIP Informative Brief -Cannabis Legalization and Injury FINAL
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file capb Alcool & blessures au Canada atlantique
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file capb alcool PVS Report
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file 2007 WHO Youth Declaration for Road Safety
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file 2007 WHO Youth and Road Safety
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file 2009 WHO Road Safety Global Status Report
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file 2013 WHO Road Safety Global Status Report
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explore subfolder image Poisoning
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file capb Alcool & blessures au Canada atlantique
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file capb alcool PVS Report
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file 2014 WHO Global Status Report on Alcohol & Health
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file ACIP Alcohol & Injury in Atlantic Canada
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file ACIP Caffeinated Alcohol & Injury
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Atlantic Canada’s use of Alcohol during the Pandemic-Relation to Injury_2021
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Prevention of Alcohol Related Injuries in the Americas
explore subfolder image SDoI Resources
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file 2011 CAPB Les Determinants Sociaux des Blessures
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file 2009 Socioeconomic Differences in Injury Risks
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file 2009 WHO The Socioeconomic Safety Divide
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file 2010 SDOH The Canadian Facts
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file 2011 ACIP Report The Social Determinants of Injury
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file 2011 WHO Closing the Gap in a Generation
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file 2009 Socioeconomic Differences in Injury Risks
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file 2009 WHO The Socioeconomic Safety Divide
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file 2010 CIHI Injury Hospitalizations & SES Canada
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file SES factors and substances involved in poisoning-related emerg department visits in BC Canada
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Systematic Review of the Relationship Between Childhood Injury and SES
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file NS Suicide Prevention Framework
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An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file WHO Public Health Action for the Prevention of Suicide
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